Wednesday, 14 November 2018


I am having an exhibition next year and am busy with a number of paintings. It depicts my life between South Africa and Germany.  Although there will be landscapes, botanical and figurative work, one of my main themes will be endangered wildlife and other animals .  Here are two paintings I have just completed.  

There are many problems between farmers and wolves.  These beautiful animals are returning once again to Germany and are in the main, protected.  However,  wolves who have to really search and fight for survival in the wild, are suddenly confronted with a herd of sheep or young cattle.  It is like a buffet where they want a taste of everything.  As a result this becomes a killing orgy.  The farmers lose lambs and calves.  The main reason for this unbalance is the amount of land that is taken from nature for agricultural purposes and over-population in this world in which we live so egotistically.

The African Wild Dog or Painted Dog as it is often referred to, is also severely endangered.

Both paintings are almost life-size. 



Schuee said...

I love these. Beautiful.

Chammi Kaiser said...

Thanks so much for taking a look at my blog Penny. Really kind of you and such a nice comment. Hugs.