Sunday, 2 October 2016


The Mindelheim Art Society ,of which I am a member, is holding an exhibition. It will be in a  lovely old Castle, in the small town of Turkheim not far from where I live.  The theme is 'movement' which covers lots of options.  I will be presenting two of my works.  This one is called 'The Wind Whistles' or in German 'Der wind Pfeift'.   As usual an animal is nearly always a part of my painting.  My style has changed from very realistic and paintstaking to one which is more impressionistic.  I am enjoying working with a painting knife which gives lots of lovely textures.  I use a brush for the finer details. Here it is.  Hope you like it. Your comments would be very much appreciated. Click on the photo for a larger image.      I am busy on the second work which I will upload when it is finished. 



Schuee said...

Lovely. I like it a lot. Enjoying reading your blog.


Chammi Kaiser said...

Thank you very much Penny. Glad you liked it and enjoy my blog. A smile on my face today!