Wednesday, 11 June 2014


I read this quote today by Lila Rogers and it really made me think.

I have seen so many works by artists who attempt to please everyone else but themselves.  'What would my family like?'.  'What can I paint to get compliments from other artists'.  

This is stressful and removes all the pleasure in making art.  I am always in awe of many of the impressionists and expressionists who threw themselves passionately into their work.  They enjoyed the process, the challenges involved and totally forgot about their critics.  

It is time for many of us as artists, to let go, have fun, enjoy new colours or the ones you love.  Experiment with techniques you have never tried before. You might just find that this is your new love in the artistic journey.  

Have fun and see what happens.


hlc said...

Bravo, well stated.

Nirdesha said...

I couldn't paint for years for exactly the same reason.

Chammi Kaiser said...

Thanks so much Nirdesha. I am delighted to have you on board. Are you having fun now?? I do hope so.