Monday, 13 July 2015


How many paintings do you have lying around gathering dust?  Is there any chance of them being used for exhibitions?  You might be dissatisfied with the end result.  Something is missing - just doesn't have any 'umphh'.  

Why not haul one or two out and have a go at collage.

Repaint a watercolour in acrylics.  Darken some of the darks with a colour you would never use normally.

Lighten some of the lights to make them come alive.

Choose some adventurous light colours that really glow.  Bright yellows and greens.

It is only a piece of paper or a canvas lying dolefully in a cupboard or drawer.
Make the experiment fun and enjoy yourself.  Free yourself from the necessity to have everything perfect.  Use a big brush or a painting knife and let all that built up frustration and creativity have its way.

I would love to know how you get on.  Please share.


It has been a while since I last posted.  However, I am back again and feeling better so here we go.  

I have just been on a week's painting holiday to a beautiful village not far from Valencia in Spain.  My friends Loli and Harold own a beautiful villa where they offer painting holidays.   The garden is a joy for any painter. It is full of interesting corners where one can sit and sketch or paint.  What a pleasure it is to be with like-minded folks (artists) and to chat about the things that mean a lot to us.  

Loli is a wonderful cook and produces meals that are guaranteed to get one's mouth watering.  Paella, unusual salads and delicious fresh fruits.  

Sue Ford, from England was the tutor for the week and she brought a group of delightful ladies and one gent who are avid followers of her art holidays. Sue is an lovely lady with infinite patience and an excellent artist in her own right.  We had a lot of fun together.  Each day we sketched in various locations.  I do so enjoy line and wash and sat quietly on my own just soaking up the atmosphere and filling my sketchbook with drawings. 

I learned a terrific technique (something I hadn't tried before) - collage with acrylic and line.  My work is shown here. I so enjoyed the process. It was absolutely therapeutic and I intend doing more.

                                          Loli and Harold's lovely villa Las Orguideas
                            where Valencia Painting Holidays take place
                                          Sketches of some of the plants in the
                                          A large and beautiful cactus plant over
                            a small stream.  I loved the rocks.

                                              The church in Benigánim

                            Here is my collage of Valencia.
                            I really loved doing it.